Fotojournal: A night in Palestine
On this years occasion of “A night in Palestine”, organised by the Austrian-Palestinian Society, two Shabka members – Tyma Kraitt & Lukas Wank – were given the opportunity to speak at the opening statements.
On this years occasion of “A night in Palestine”, organised by the Austrian-Palestinian Society, two Shabka members – Tyma Kraitt & Lukas Wank – were given the opportunity to speak at the opening statements.
Geschätzte Anwesende! Werte Vertreter*Innen der Politik! Es ist nunmehr fast auf den Tag genau ein Jahr her, als ich zum ersten Mal nach Palästina gereist bin. Auch nach eindringlicher Beschäftigung mit Palästina und der israelischen Besetzung, mit der Zerfahrenheit des
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From Friday, 13. December to Sunday, 15. December 2013, the research cluster “Conflict and Development” based at the Department of Development Studies (DDS) at the University of Vienna will be holding a conference on the occupied Palestinian territories. The conference organizer would like to invite
A response from Billy Batware to Genocide in Rwanda: Retrospective considerations from Mirko Ebelshäuser, published on July, 20th 2013 on Shabka. When I found out about the title of the article, I was very interested to read about the author’s writing on
Nowadays, poverty alleviation is a backbone of human development strategies which put poor people at the center of the lens. The first Millennium Development Goals (MDG) established in 2000 is to halve the number of individuals living with less than
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Anonymous got a lot of attention with its first appearance in public protests against Scientology in 2008. Years later, OpTunisia marked a critical turning point in the history of Anonymous in pulling the strings together between idealistic hacktivism and political
Last weekend on Sunday, 28th of July, the population of Mali was called to the boxes to decide about the future of the conflict-ridden state. Against all odds, no violent incidents happened but a bitter aftertaste remains. Fast-Food Democracy –