The Strategy Factory provides tools for future-oriented monitoring of relevant developments in the relevant areas and develops skills in strategic advice and thinking by using techniques such as an overview of trends and related socio-political and economic options.
It equips young talents interested in policy making with the necessary skills to translate research into policy. It enables them to make a real difference and kick-start their careers in strategic and operational political sectors. Collaboratively it enhances knowledge of how to create meaningful policy recommendations on the strategic level and apply a operational toolkit on the ground.
The Strategy Factory is comprehensive, knowledge based and action-oriented.
It is hands-on policy making.
Making a full circle
The aim of the Strategy Factory is to train junior professionals in policy-making and strategic thinking. In doing so, it makes a full circle: while encompassing strategic and operational aspects it offers junior professionals skill sets, instruments and an insight into conventions relevant to policy making. Together with experienced experts, state-of-the-art research is being translated into case study policy recommendations.
By focusing on the wider aspects of international politics, the workshop dwelves into the realm of security, foreign and development policy as well as taking into account humanitarian aspects and a perspectives from international crisis and conflict management.
Selected case studies of today’s pressing challenges are being tackled with creative ideas, experienced insights and methodical approaches.
In collaboration with
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The Strategy Factory's
9 October 2020 | Salon Shabka: European Security and Defence: A story of progressing integration and the Space Race 2.0
Out of all the areas of European integration, security and defence policy has for a long time been the most neglected and challenging domain for enhanced cooperation on the EU level. This comes at little surprise, considering that security and defence represent some of the most critical and important spheres of responsibility of the sovereign nation state. Nevertheless, fuelled by drastic changes in the international system and a growing desire for strategic autonomy, EU member states have over the past
Legalism and creativity in peacemaking
The European Union has long emphasized international law when engagingin peace processes. Without a doubt, international law is a critical means in shaping internationalrelations and global community. But is it the most suitable one to settle conflict?
Is Mustafa al-Kadhimi the answer to Iraq’s problems?
After more than six months without proper political leadership, the Iraqiparliament approved a new government with Mustafa al-Kadhimi as the primeminister.
Shabka zu Gast bei “Moment Mal”
Anfang August nahm Michael Zinkanell an einem KroneTV Interview teil und sprach über die sicherheitspolitischen Herausforderungen von Desinformation. Gemeinsam mit Christoph Bilban vom Institut für Friedenssicherung und Konfliktmanagement der Landesverteidigungsakademie diskutierte Michael Zinkanell im „Moment Mal“ Format moderiert von Damita Pressl Fragen zu gezielten Desinformationskampagnen und polarisierenden Fake News. Das Gespräch bezog sich auf aktuelle internationale Ereignisse sowie neuartige Bedrohungen durch die Digitalisierung. In diesem Zusammenhang wird Desinformation oftmals als effektives Mittel zur Täuschung und Manipulation verwendet. Michael Zinkanell bestätigte
Shabka zu Gast bei Demokratie 21
„Wer jetzt?“, so nennt sich die Podcast-Reihe der gemeinnützigen Initiative, Demokratie 21, in Wien. Demokratie – ein staatliches System, dessen Grundidee darauf beruht, dass Macht vom Volke ausgeht. Die modernen Demokratien haben bis auf die Idee der Volkssouveränität jedoch nur noch wenig mit der attischen Demokratie aus der Antike zu tun. Die Transformation staatlicher Strukturen und dem gesellschaftlichen Zusammenleben sind nicht nur Ergebnisse von blutigen Revolutionen oder hart erkämpfter Reformen, elementar ist vor allem eine politische Bildung, die zur Transformation
Belarus: Ongoing developments after the presidential elections
Presidential elections in Belarus took place on 9 August 2020. They were followed by mass protests that demanded a fair count of votes. Police responded with violent crackdown on protesters, detaining over seven thousand demonstrators, wounding and beating up many of them. So far four persons died. Marylia Hushcha from the International Institute for Peace spoke with Lukas Wank from Shabka about the ongoing developments during the ten days past the election.
Strategische Analyse über den Besuch von US-Außenminister Pompeo in Wien
Der Besuch von US-Außenminister Mike Pompeo wirft viele strategische Fragen auf. Lukas Wank von Shabka wirft einen Blick auf den Besuch und analysiert dessen strategische Dimensionen für Europa und Österreich.
Sentenced to death: the difficult case of ISIS’s European fighters
The repatriation of ISIS’s European fighters is one of the most pressing and divisive issues that Europe is faced with today. Politicians have been reluctant to repatriate them and to risk another attack on European soil. However, member states’ current disengagement is not a viable long-term solution to the problem and has wider practical, legal, and ethical implications for the EU and what it stands for. The EU must hold its fighters accountable.
Polycrisis as an opportunity for development cooperation?
Building a better global architecture for international development cooperation after the COVID-19 pandemic The outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic and the multiple crises it unleashed around the world coincided with the beginning of the period that the world leaders dubbed the “Decade of Action” to deliver on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Launched at the beginning of 2020, it aims to instill a sense of urgency, thereby spurring action, unlocking development finance, and harnessing innovative approaches for the attainment of