The Syria the world forgot
This Fotojournal is ought to give an impression about a Syria that ceased to exist in the course of the last years events. One central aim of this Shabka Fotojournal is to promote a differentiated image of Syria and the
This Fotojournal is ought to give an impression about a Syria that ceased to exist in the course of the last years events. One central aim of this Shabka Fotojournal is to promote a differentiated image of Syria and the
The world’s mineral resources are limited and the extraction and consumption of minerals has expanded dramatically during the recent years. The current pace of expansion pace has brought the depletion of ores nearer, for example Steel manufacturers consider that high-quality
Recently, there has been a big debate about the use of neonicotinoides or rather systemic insecticides in the European Union. The European Commission declared now a partial prohibition of three neonicotinoides. In European organic farming, systemic pesticides are a priori
[dropshadowbox align=”center” effect=”lifted-both” width=”40%” height=”” background_color=”#ffffff” border_width=”1″ border_color=”#dddddd” ] Christoph Rosinger Finding leverage points to improve the agricultural system in semi-rural areas in Sierra Leone Shabka Background Nr. 7-2013 [/dropshadowbox] Sierra Leone is one of the poorest countries in the
Bei allem unglaublichen Reichtum der Industriestaaten, nur allzu viele Entwicklungsländer gibt es auf dieser Welt. Ihnen mangelt es an fast allem, speziell der Bevölkerung. Sie ist täglich mit der Sicherung des nackten Lebens konfrontiert. Garantiert ist ihr nichts, das Überleben
„Tayip has to resign from office – Tayip muss seinen Amt niederlegen“ Our InfoNet member Handan gives a personal overview about the demonstrations which took place in Ankara between the 1st and 4th of June 2013. Generally speaking the demonstrations
If one has never experienced the livelihood systems on the countryside in developing countries, it is hardly conceivable how rough living conditions are and what kind of problems people are facing. The following pictures should give a brief impression, how
If one has never experienced the livelihood systems on the countryside in developing countries, it is hardly conceivable how rough living conditions are and what kind of problems people are facing. The following pictures should give a brief impression, how
Angesichts des brutalen Vorgehens der türkischen Exekutive gegen friedliche DemonstrantInnen kommt es weltweit zu Solidaritätskundgebungen, die sich gegen Polizeigewalt aber auch gegen die Regierung Erdogan richten. In Wien kam es zu einer spontanen Demonstration, die überwältigenden Anklang gefunden hat: Binnen kurzer
Braving social stigma, many Palestinians in East Jerusalem have in recent years applied for Israeli citizenship to escape insecurity and the endangered status of their residency under Israeli occupation. But citizenship alone does not always save them from inequality and