How youth in Lebanon join armed groups
A teenager in Northern Lebanon joined Al Qaeda’s Jabhat Al Nusra at only 17, after his uncle and cousin encouraged him. He later joined ISIS, and by 19 ended up in jail for killing a Lebanese soldier.
A teenager in Northern Lebanon joined Al Qaeda’s Jabhat Al Nusra at only 17, after his uncle and cousin encouraged him. He later joined ISIS, and by 19 ended up in jail for killing a Lebanese soldier.
Mit dem Roman Other Lives lieferte Iman Humaydan-Younis einen Denkanstoß dazu, was es bedeutet, sein Land während eines Krieges zu verlassen. Im Fokus steht zwar der Libanon, die Erfahrungen und Emotionen der Protagonistin lassen sich aber auf jedes andere Land und
Mit der militärischen Intervention Russlands ist in Syrien eine neue Dynamik entstanden, die dazu geführt hat, dass tatsächlich Chancen für einen Waffenstillstand bestehen.
Though traumatized and leaderless, Palestinians remain rebellious and resolute — we continue to act in concert, bound by a collective wound.
Laut Berichten von Europol haben sich in den letzten Jahren zwischen 3.000 und 5.000, meist junge EuropäerInnen, transnationalen dschihadistischen Gruppierungen im Nahen und Mittleren Osten angeschlossen, um sich als Gotteskrieger zu verdingen.
Challenging “Islamic State” is about facing the demands and needs of all Syrians and Iraqis.
Resistance and strength manifest like weeds through cracks in Chiapas, Mexico, and transnational Kurdistan where the respective Zapatista and Kurdish resistance movements are creating new gender relations as a primary part of their struggle and process for building a better
Gaza is not a natural disaster. It is man-made, the result of deliberate political choices. Chris Gunnes This is the final article in a series, which has analysed how the destructive aspects of reconstruction attempts in Gaza, are part and parcel
[I]nternational aid has rendered the occupation cost-free. It has even enriched Israel’s economy. Ghada Karmi The cost of and the responsibility for occupying the Palestinian territories is increasingly carried by other actors than Israel.
The Palestinian economy remains captive to the Israeli market. Sansour and Tartir In the second instalment of this series of articles on the destructive consequences of reconstruction efforts in Gaza, I look at how humanitarian assistance and international aid create and