Shabka has been growing quickly during the last weeks. New co-operations, especially focused on our peace & conflict section have been established. Also, new members, one country network (Turkey, represented by Özlem) and several editors have been joining us. Naturally, this development condenses into Shabka’s structures.
Therefore, Shabka needed to adapt to these developments. Given that, we decided to hold a workshop to broaden our basis: On Sunday, November 10th, 2013 we held a training-session on our Content Management System to launch our new editorial sections literature as well as agriculture and environment. The sections were introduced to our editorial work and our plans for the next months. Additionally we talked about how we can launch common projects between the editorial sections in future.
Get ready to enjoy our works on these two topics in the coming weeks. For literature, welcome Shabka key editor Corina and for agriculture and environment please welcome Charlotte and Christoph. These sections are going to reach out to you from now on and provide you with in-depth analyses, informations and inputs.