„Tayip has to resign from office – Tayip muss seinen Amt niederlegen“
Our InfoNet member Handan gives a personal overview about the demonstrations which took place in Ankara between the 1st and 4th of June 2013. Generally speaking the demonstrations have been overshadowed by the rigorous methods of authorites against the protesters.
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ANKARA: Gazi Mustafa Kemal Bulvari (Kizilay)
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L4fo7WaeAV0]
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OHrmNQwFeVA]
Around 11 p.m. dozens of gas grenades being fired at the protesters. After the assault many demonstrants were arrested, after the protesters have been beaten by riot sticks.
Gegen 23:00 Uhr werden zahlreiche Gasbomben auf die Demonstranten geworfen. Anschließend kommt es zu einer großen Festnahme, wobei die Demonstranten zunächst mit Schlagstöcken geschlagen wurden.
Demonstrants trying to march gen Kizilay. They get detained by teargas and TOMA water guns.
ANKARA Izmir Caddesi (Kizilay)
Gas grenades on the top of a skyscraper. The authorities are being suspected to throw tear gas out of helicopters or apartments on the demonstrants
ANKARA Kizilay Meydani
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gfpYaiRieyE]
ANKARA: Sakarya Cad. Kızılay, Çankaya
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=urQ6LkcwS9w]
All the small streets are being constantly under fire by gas grenades – even from helicopters. Gas grenades are being fired randomly into the mass of protesters.
Die ganzen kleinen Gassen wurden Stundenlang mit Gasbomben beschossen, aus großer Entfernung wurden diese blind in die Menge geschossen. Aus der Luft (Hubschrauber) bzw. aus Hochhäusern wurden Gasbomben in die Menge geworfen.