The World Social Forum 2013 in pictures – Part 2

The following picture coverage is ought to give an impression of the events which took place at the World Social Forum (WSF) in Tunis from the 26th to the 31st of March in 2013.
The gallery will give an overview that focuses on covering the different and often controversially discussed actions on and around the WSF itself. The photo coverage is trying to deal with several divisive issues in a neutral manner and does not depict the authors’ positions about different topics.

Besides many critical and productive insights, there have been disputable ongoings, such as the presence of groups which acted in an unreflective and rather contemptuous way towards other people.
Besides that, rather than solely making the WSF a convention of like-minded, several critical discussions concerning the organisation of the WSF took place. In this regard, the hierarchical structures within the WSF and the production of western dominated knowledge raised awareness of many participants and were openly debated. For further information Hilde C. Stephansens article about “Decolonising the WSF” is recommended.

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