Changes in funding of Austrian development NGOs


Ulrike Jaklin, Lukas Wank & Marion Wolfram

Changes in funding of Austrian development NGOs

Shabka Background Nr. 4-2013

Due to considerable changes in the development sector in the beginning of the 1990s, the framework conditions for the non-governmental organizations (NGOs) working in development shifted from a very permissive to a more and more controlled working environment. In this paper the main question is how the funding of Austrian development NGOs has changed since then.

This paper aims at highlighting the framework conditions of development NGOs’ working environment by focusing on its shift twenty years ago. This will form a basis for two practical examples of NGO funding in Austria. By introducing two different types of NGOs (ecclesiastical on the one side, and one non-ecclesiastical on the other) this paper proposes to show how policy shifts manifested in different ways within the development community.

Due to the limited extent of our paper the scale of our analysis will be set to Austrian NGOs only. These examples are reflecting the problems and challenges of development NGOs out of a perspective from within a so called donor country (here: Austria).


Shabka Background Nr. 4-2013

Ulrike Jaklin, Lukas Wank & Marion Wolfram: Changes in funding of Austrian development NGOs

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