Today Egypt continues to witness increasing polarization and decreasing space for dissent and critique of the official position. In such an environment, the book project “Revolution as a Process – The Case of the Egyptian Uprising” aims to counter this trend by providing a wide range of different narratives about the Egyptian revolution, which represent neither the official version nor the interpretation offered by the Muslim Brotherhood.
As the book is in the final stages of print, we release a third short to give you further insight into the work behind the book.
Some of our authors will take part in panel discussions around Austria this month to share their experiences of the ongoing Egyptian revolution and promote the book.
Book presentation: Revolution as a Process: The case of the Egyptian Uprising
→ June 28, 2014, 19.30, Haus der Begegnung, Innsbruck
Panel Discussion: Revolution as a Process: Egypt one year after 30 June
→ June 30, 2014, 18.00, Diplomatische Akademie, Wien